Life is super busy, and talking to people or hanging out can be really tiring for someone like me. I’m autistic, and sometimes, after being around others, I just need to be alone to feel better, kind of like how you feel super tired after a long day and just want to rest.
It’s really important for me to have time alone so I can get my energy back. It doesn’t mean I don’t like talking or being with people; I just need a little break to feel okay again. I know it might seem strange to some people, but just like everyone needs sleep, I need my quiet time. While some people feel better by being with friends, I feel better by spending time alone, maybe in a quiet room.
It’s not just being with people that makes me need a break. Even simple things like taking a shower or eating can be tough because I’m very sensitive to things like noise, smells, and how things feel. So, I make sure to relax a bit after doing these things, too.
Sometimes, other people don’t get why I need these breaks. They can’t see how hard some things can be for me. But taking short breaks helps me not get too stressed and helps me keep doing things I need or want to do.
Wanting to be alone sometimes doesn’t mean I’m sad or that people should feel sorry for me. I like being by myself at times, and that’s okay. If I’m sitting quietly, reading, listening to music, or just chilling, it doesn’t mean something is wrong. If I don’t take these breaks, I might have to cancel plans, and I don’t like doing that.
Everyone sees the world in their own way, and that means we all have different things to offer. By making sure I get the quiet time I need, I can do my best and share my part with the world. This is how I take care of myself, and it’s a step toward making a place where we all understand each other better. Everyone is doing their best in their own way, and that’s pretty cool.