Neurodivergent Characters in Fiction: A New Way to Read Stories

Nowadays readers interpret characters as neurodivergent, without worrying about whether the author meant it that way.

3 min readJun 16, 2024

In today’s literary world, there’s a trend to interpret fictional characters as neurodivergent, without worrying about whether the author meant it that way. This approach helps readers connect with characters on a deeper level. For example, Sally Rooney’s book Conversations with Friends is often seen through this lens. The interactions between Frances and Nick in the novel are thought to reflect female neurodivergence, offering a fresh perspective.

New Interpretations vs. Traditional Criticism

Traditional literary analysis often misses the subtle details that resonate with neurodivergent experiences. For instance, Niña Weijers sees Frances in Conversations with Friends as a narcissistic girl who spends the whole novel looking at her own ego. However, if we consider Frances’s behavior as reflecting neurodivergent traits, like social difficulties or emotional challenges, we can better understand her character. This makes her experiences more relatable to readers who see themselves in her struggles.




Ervaringswerker autisme / Autistic Advocate / Autism Ambassador